Zxperience Brasil Tecnologia

Barueri - SP, Brazil | 25 projets | 4 certifications
Zxperience takes your Customer Experience to the next level with Zendesk.

Zxperience is a Zendesk Partner that seeks to bring solutions and platforms that accelerate the digital transformation of service and sales channels, making companies more relevant in the consideration of customers.

For this, we use technologies and expertise to reduce customer service effort, strategies that increase customer loyalty through personalized conversations, regardless of contact channels.

Services proposés
Data Migration
Development Services
System Integrator
CX Consultant
Latin & South America
Type de partenaire
Referral Partner

Applications que nous avons créées

Témoignages des utilisateurs

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Si cette solution vous convient, parlez de votre projet avec Zxperience Brasil Tecnologia.